Basal Cell Carcinoma Types

28 Mar, 2023 | Chung Li | No Comments

Basal Cell Carcinoma Types

Approximately 80% of all basal cell cancers develop on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. They commonly affect the face, ears, neck, shoulders, and scalp. Some are characterized by reddish patches or ulcers and can be quite large. Some types of basal cell tumors can invade cartilage and bone. Luckily, basal cell cancers rarely metastasize. But if you notice a mole or growth on any of these areas, you should seek treatment immediately.

Despite its widespread occurrence, basal cell carcinomas are extremely rare and must be treated promptly. For the most advanced cases, surgery is required. Typically, nodular basal cell carcinomas are the most common type. The resulting skin lesions are small, colorless bumps that are often ulcer-like. Micronodular basal cell cancers are smaller and less likely to recur than nodular basal cells. Depending on the type, the lesions may be painless, crusty, or even ulcer-like.

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer and grows on areas of the body that receive a lot of sunlight. It is also the least dangerous type of skin cancer. If detected early, basal cell tumors are not likely to spread to other parts of the body. However, they may move into nearby bones or tissues. Thankfully, basal cell cancers can be successfully treated when detected early. And there are several effective treatments available.

Basal cell carcinoma is often painless. However, it is difficult to remove due to the fact that it can invade nerves in the skin. Fortunately, basal cell cancers have a low mortality rate when compared to squamous cell carcinomas. Most cases of basal cell carcinomas have a late stage and are difficult to detect. Some lesions are tiny, sores that do not heal, or patches that are red or white with pearly or red cells.

Basal cell carcinoma tends to be more common in people with fair skin. These types of cancers usually start in the skin and can be difficult to diagnose if they are not found early. Fair-skinned people are more likely to develop these cancers, but they can develop anywhere in the body. If they use tanning beds, they may also develop a disease in the facial area.

The symptoms of basal cell carcinoma can vary. Most cases of basal cell carcinoma occur in areas of the body that are exposed to the sun. They tend to spread slowly and rarely metastasize, but may spread to the lymph nodes. It is important to treat basal cell carcinoma at an early stage. You will have to undergo surgery if the cancer is left untreated for too long. You should also be aware of the possibility of a relapse. More important and useful information about the disease can be found at

A diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma is based on a biopsy performed on a matched specimen of skin. Several tests are available to confirm the diagnosis. A specialized dermatologist will determine the location of the tumor. Some of these tests can also be used to rule out other malignancies. These diagnostic procedures are usually done after a thorough skin examination. There is no way to determine if a basal cell carcinoma has spread to other parts of the body.

Most people have no symptoms of basal cell carcinoma until it has progressed. It may also develop on parts that do not receive direct sunlight, such as the scalp. There are several basal cell carcinoma types. One of the most common is called superficial basal cell cancer. This form of basal cell carcinoma can be a smooth or bumpy patch of skin, with broken blood vessels. The skin cancer can also be painful, especially if it is large and has a pearly appearance.

Although basal cell cancer is the most common type of skin cancer in the United States, it does not usually spread throughout the body. Most people with basal cell carcinoma will notice it as a red bump or a shiny white patch. If it is infiltrative, it may also appear as an open sore. If you do notice a basal cell cancer, contact your doctor immediately. The sooner you seek treatment, the better.

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